Certified Healthy Business Symposium
Absentee Shawnee Tribe Tobacco-Free Health Policy
The Oklahoma Certified Healthy Business (CHB) program started in 2003 by the Oklahoma Academy for State Goals, the Oklahoma Turning Point Council, the State Chamber, and the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The OK CHB recognizes businesses that are working to improve employee health by providing wellness opportunities and implementing policies that lead to healthier lifestyles. Businesses that promote health & wellness see a return on investment with decreased insurance premiums, fewer sick days taken, increased productivity and better morale among staff.
Absentee Shawnee tribal employees had the opportunity to attend the Certified Healthy Symposium at Oklahoma Baptist University on Sept 5, 2012. Sponsored by the Pottawatomie Alliance Toward Community Health Coalition (PATCH), a Communities of Excellence (CX) tobacco control program. The coalition has taken on the mission to create a healthier environment for the county residents to live, work, play, and gather. Many organizations within Pottawatomie County have seen the value to adopt tobacco-free policies due to the efforts of the CX. The Absentee Shawnee Tribal Health Authority and Li-Si-Wi-Nwi are no exception. Due to past efforts and collaboration with the Communities of Excellence staff for their efforts while assisting in the development of the policy along with the AST Policy Analyst and stakeholders within the tribal health system for adoption of the policy in 2010.
Patricia Yarholar, MPH, CHES – AST Community Health & Preventative Services Director had the opportunity to present on a panel during the symposium. Other staff in attendance included Roxanne Patterson, RN, Director of Public Health and Sharon Ponkilla, PHN that showcased a booth on Protect the Circle of Life on immunizations and children while educational pamphlets were disseminated to attendees. The panel presentation by Patricia included an introduction of the Absentee Tribe, a brief overview of the REACH program, and the adoption of the Tobacco-Free Policy. As well as experiences in the process for applying for the Certified Healthy Business and how it has been beneficial to the tribe. Certified Healthy Business Award of Excellence has brought tribal, state, and national attention to the Absentee Shawnee tribe for their efforts to improve environmental change due to adopted policies on tobacco, and employee wellness.