Learning to Prevent and Control Diabetes
Please join us for a 6 week program that teaches you the basics of Diabetes and gives you the tools you need to help prevent or manage this disease:
Class Topics
- What is Diabetes
- Healthy Eating
- Being Active
- Monitoring
- Taking Medication
- Problem Salving
- Reducing Risks
- Healthy Coping
Please Register for Classes
Dates and Time vary based on need
Class Location
Li-Si-Wi-Nwi Health Clinic
the Shawnee Clinic
Class Registration and Questions
Registration is limited! Call Now!
Jimmi Norris Diabetes Director-BSN, RN-CDE
Margaret Starkey RN-CDE
Call to register 405.701.7977 or 405.701.7978
Incentives apply for successful completion of this 6 week program.
Diabetes & Wellness Education
15951 Little Axe Drive
Norman, OK 73026
Phone: 405.701.7977
Fax: 405.701.7984