Native American Veterans Enrollment Event
<p>Native American Veteran Warriors - Come Join Us!</p>
<p>See if you qualify for VA benefits! Explore your current VA benefits!</p>
<p>Little Axe Health Center, Wednesday, April 22, 2015 from 9 am to 3 pm</p>
<p>Shawnee Clinic, Wednesday, May 20, 2015 from 9 am to 3 pm</p>
<p>VHA Health & VBA Benefits Specialists will be available to assist with the following US Department of Veterans Affairs programs:</p>
<p>- Vet Center Mobile Unit<br />
- Disabled American Vet (DAV) Rep<br />
- Mental Health & Substance Abuse<br />
- Women's Health Program<br />
- Survivor's Benefits<br />
- Housing & Education Benefits<br />
- Homeless Program</p>
<p>Contact: Connie Bottaro/Melinda Ferrell/Lela Culley, Patient Benefit Advocate<br />
Little Axe Health Center, 15951 Little Axe Dr / Norman, OK 73026, 405.447.0300<br />
Shawnee Clinic, 2029 S Gordon Cooper Dr / Shawnee, OK 74801, 405.878.5850<br />
Absentee Shawnee Tribal Health System,</p>