Injury Prevention Program

We have an Injury Prevention (IP) program in place at the new Little Axe facility providing services to Native Americans residing in our Catchment service area: Lincoln, Logan, Cleveland, Pottawatomie, and Oklahoma counties.  The AST Injury Prevention Program has three main focuses: motor vehicle safety, child passenger safety, and elder fall prevention.  

We are available for appointments Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to provide certified hands-on educational car seat installations as well as FREE car seat replacements for families that qualify.  In order to qualify, the child must:
  • Be enrolled in a federally recognized tribe
  • Reside in our county service area
  • Be receiving state assistance--SoonerCare, WIC, etc.
  • Be scheduled for an appointment, unless expectant mother is within 4 weeks of delivery

Please feel free to call if you have any questions.

AST Injury Prevention Program 
Public Health Nursing Department